Disconnection & Reconnection


Our customer policy aims at discouraging the disconnection of our services, but rather using all available means that give the customer the opportunity to pay.

These include sending reminders through:
  • SMS encouraging prompt payment of bills
  • Bills sent to be accompanied by the date due
  • 14 clear days is given to the customer within which he/she should have paid the bill
  • Confirm that the customers have not paid before issuing the disconnection orders
  • Effect disconnection as the very last resort
  • During disconnection if a customer produces proof of payment such as receipts, effect the re-connection of service.
  • First disconnection to be effected through a wire seal.
  • Failure to pay within one month, a disconnection from the main to be effected.


Reconnection will be carried out after:

  • Full payment of the amount due
  • Part payment and, signing of agreement/promissory note to pay the balance by installment.
  • Payment of reconnection fee as per our tariffs
  • Wire seal reconnection – Ksh 1,000 & main reconnection Ksh 5,000
  • All customers will be reconnected within 24 hours after payment